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How to migrate a WordPress Website manually?

Manually migrating a WordPress website using FTP involves transferring your website files and the database to a new hosting server.

This process can be a bit technical, so make sure to follow these steps carefully. Before you begin, you will need the following:

  1. Access to both the old and new hosting servers.
  2. FTP client software (e.g., FileZilla).
  3. Database access credentials for your old and new hosting accounts.
  4. A backup of your WordPress website.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to manually migrate your WordPress website using FTP:

1. Back Up Your Website: Before you start, it’s crucial to back up your WordPress website. You can use a plugin like UpdraftPlus or take manual backups of your files and database.

2. Set Up Your New Hosting Environment:

  • Purchase a new hosting plan and set up the domain or subdomain where you want to migrate your website.
  • Note down the FTP credentials (hostname, username, password, port) for the new hosting server.

3. Download Files from Old Hosting:

  • Connect to your old hosting server using FTP client software.
  • Navigate to your WordPress root directory (usually public_html).
  • Download all the files and folders to your local computer.

4. Export the Database:

  • Access your old hosting control panel (usually cPanel).
  • Go to phpMyAdmin or a similar database management tool.
  • Select your WordPress database and export it as an SQL file. Choose the custom export method and make sure to select all tables.

5. Upload Files to New Hosting:

  • Connect to your new hosting server using FTP client software.
  • Navigate to the root directory of your new website.
  • Upload all the files and folders you downloaded from your old hosting server to the new one.

6. Create a New Database on the New Hosting:

  • Access your new hosting control panel.
  • Create a new database.
  • Create a new database user and grant it full privileges to the new database.

7. Import the Database:

  • Access phpMyAdmin on your new hosting server.
  • Select the database you just created and import the SQL file you exported from the old database.

8. Update WordPress Configuration:

  • In your new hosting FTP, find the wp-config.php file.
  • Update the database details with the new database name, username, and password.

9. Update Domain Settings (if necessary):

  • If you’re changing the domain name, update the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) in the WordPress dashboard under Settings > General.

10. Test Your Website: – Access your website on the new hosting server to ensure everything is working correctly. – Test all functionality, links, and ensure that your website is functioning as expected.

11. Update DNS (if necessary): – If you’ve changed the domain name or DNS settings, update your domain registrar’s DNS records to point to the new hosting server.

12. Monitor and Debug: – Keep an eye on your website for any issues, and debug and resolve them if necessary.

Remember that manual migration can be complex, and things may go wrong. Always have a backup and consider seeking help from your hosting provider or a WordPress developer if you encounter difficulties.