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How to set up your email account in Microsoft Outlook

Setting up an email account with IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) in Microsoft Outlook is a straightforward process. IMAP allows you to access your email messages on the email server, keeping them synchronized across multiple devices. Here’s how to set up an IMAP email account in Microsoft Outlook:

Note: The exact steps may vary slightly depending on your version of Microsoft Outlook, but the overall process remains similar.

1. Open Microsoft Outlook: Launch Microsoft Outlook on your computer.

2. Add an Email Account: If it’s your first time using Outlook or you want to add a new email account, you’ll typically see a setup wizard when you open Outlook. If you don’t see the wizard or want to add an additional account, you can also access the account setup options through the following steps:

  • Outlook 2019, 2016, and Microsoft 365: Click on “File” in the top left corner and then click “Add Account” in the Info category.
  • Outlook 2013: Click on “File” in the top left corner and then click “Add Account.”
  • Outlook 2010: Click on “File” in the top left corner, and then click “Add Account.”

3. Enter Your Email Address: In the “Add Account” or “Add Email Account” dialog box, enter your email address and click “Next.”

4. Choose Account Type: Select “IMAP” as your account type. IMAP is recommended because it allows you to synchronize your emails across multiple devices.

5. Fill in Account Details:

  • Incoming Mail Server: Enter the IMAP server address (e.g., mail.yourdomain.com.au
  • Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): Enter the SMTP server address (e.g., mail.yourdomain.com.au).
  • User Name: Enter your full email address.
  • Password: Enter the password associated with your email account.

6. More Settings: Click the “More Settings” button to configure additional settings:

  • Outgoing Server: Check the box that says “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.” Usually, use the same settings as the incoming server.
  • Advanced: Configure advanced settings like server ports, encryption methods, and folder synchronization options. Consult your email provider or IT department for these details.

7. Test Account Settings: Click the “Next” button. Outlook will test your account settings to ensure they are correct. If everything is set up correctly, you should see a “Congratulations” message.

8. Finish Setup: Click the “Finish” button to complete the setup. Outlook will add your IMAP email account, and you can start using it to send and receive emails.

9. Synchronize Folders: Depending on your settings, Outlook may start synchronizing your email folders automatically. If not, you can manually initiate the synchronization by clicking “Send/Receive” or “Update Folder” in the Outlook interface.

Your IMAP email account is now set up in Microsoft Outlook, and your emails will be synchronized across all your devices. You can start using Outlook to manage your emails, calendars, and contacts.